Editorial Board Vol. 25, Nos. 1 (2019-2020)
Seth M. Adams, Editor-in-Chief
Recreational Rights to the Dry Sand Beach in Florida: Property, Custom and Controversy
Alyson Flournoy, Thomas T. Ankersen, and Sasha Alvarenga
Advancing a Network of Safety Measures in the Bering Strait Region: Now is the Time
Janis Searles Jones, Andrew Hartsig, and Becca Robbins Gisclair
Reinforcing the Law of the Sea Convention of 1982 Through Clarification and Implementation
Robert McLaughlin
Foundation and Development of the Economic Interest of the United States in the Arctic Ocean in the Age of Global Warming
Karl J. Fisher
Case Note
Seaman’s Manslaughter and Charter Boats – The Case of United States v. Richard Smith
Alexander D. Andruzzi